Sunday, June 26, 2005

They are my best friends from intermediate school.

I'm on the verandah outside my room. It's nice to sit in the sun with a book and relax.

the sheep next door visited our garden!

Our garden and the playground.

This is my Mum and my second eldest sister who is studying at Otago University. I was representing our school in a writing competition.

All the other kids representing their schools.

The above picture was when I was in school choir.

This is my Dad and me when the whole family travelled to Japan 2 years ago.

That photo was taken at Universal Studios in Osaka. We also went to Tokyo and Kyoto.

In Tokyo when I was 11 years old.

I'm with Dad and my oldest sister who is studying at a university in Auckland.

Well that's it from me for today. Cya ^^)/

Hi Everyone!

My name is Saean and I live in New Zealand. I just turned 13 last month and I go to Rangiora High School. I live with my Mum and Dad. Also I have two older sisters who are studying at universities in different cities. Our family moved to New Zealand from Korea when I was three years old so we have been living here over 10 years. My hobbies are netball, volleyball, reading, shopping and talking on the phone with friends hehe ^^;